Veggie Full Beef Pasta

Veggie and beef spaghetti sauce


One medium zucchini

2 medium carrots

1 pound ground beef

One can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes

One can (29oz) tomato puree

One handful fresh basil

Two teaspoons Italian seasoning

Two teaspoons onion powder

Two teaspoons brown coconut sugar

One tablespoon minced garlic

Salt and pepper to taste

One bag (16oz) brown rice and quinoa pasta

Two cups beef broth*


Cooking Instructions

Shred zucchini and carrots

In Dutch oven or large pot, brown ground beef and vegetables.

Add minced garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Once the vegetables begin to soften and meat is brown, add puree and diced tomatoes.

Stir and add in Italian season, onion powder, chopped basil and coconut sugar and let all ingredients simmer together for 30 minutes. Be sure to stir occasionally.

Two pasta options-

Option one: add in pasta to sauce and allow pasta to cook with sauce. If you choose this option, this is where the beef broth comes in. You will need some extra liquid to give the pasta room to cook.

Option two: cook pasta separately and scoop sauce on top of pasta as you prepare your dinner bowls!


This recipe is full of fiber, veggies and iron. Makes great leftovers.



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