Simple ways to come back to yourself, for FREE!!
First, what does that even mean right? To Studio Elevate, “coming back to yourself” essentially means checking in with you- self-care, what makes you feel whole, happy, and connected to what brings you joy.
In order to come back to yourself, you must first find some solo time! Trust me, I know how hard that can be. For me, that means setting my alarm for 6:01 (that right, :01) and waking up before my boys. That extra minute past 6:00, is just a silly thing that make ME happy! Having that time in the morning to myself, just me, my coffee and a dark kitchen, its glorious!
In order to be tuned in with you, a quiet space, a warm, comforting drink and some gratitude go such a long way.
Next on the tuning in and coming back to yourself; MEDITATION. This really is key to tuning inward and aligning with your higher, best self. I truly strive for 10-15 minutes of meditation each morning. It’s free, it sets you for the day in the best way and really grounds you.
Sunlight. Vitamin D. Grounding down and connecting with the earth. This simple, free, walking barefoot in your backyard activity is such a great boost. Being connected to the earth, and feeling the sun on your skin, such a mood booster!
Dance and sing it out! Turning up your favorite song and belting it out like you’re the best singer and dancer in the world. SO freaking good for the soul! It takes us back to carefree, childhood days. What better way to come back to ourselves than through releasing our inner child and letting loose!
Call a loved one. There is something so comforting about speaking to a loved one. Anybody in your life that you feel connected to, and who helps you to remember your roots and all that is goodness and light about YOU!
Yoga. Keep it simple and let your body flow. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to get in a good yoga flow. Breathe and flow, listen to your inner voice, let her guide the way!
Bath. Take a nice, long, super-hot bath. All you need is you and the bathtub. Of course, if you want to elevate it and add Epsom salt, essential oils, and candles.
Bottom line, coming back to yourself, is giving yourself the gift of simple pleasures that make you feel good! Self-care may seem like such an overused term, but it is truly essential to showing up as your best self!