Meditate? But, how?
Here’s the low down on meditating if it seems intimidating or maybe if it’s been a hard no up until now and you’re wondering how to approach it!
Here's the thing. We hear about meditation and all of its amazing benefits constantly. The truth is, it's intimidating. We think how do I sit in silence? How do I stop my thoughts from running a mile a minute? I don't have the time, etc... All of those thoughts, they are simply limiting beliefs. Those thoughts are our ego speaking and winning the monkey mind battle. Patanjali calls this busy mind, “citta vritti” or mind chatter.
Meditation can be as simple as we need it to be. It can be and will be the best gift you give yourself each and every day. It can and will look different for everyone. We DO have the time. If we have the time to mindlessly scroll on social media, we have the time to meditate! We do. We have the time if we want to have the time.
So now you have made the time. Now what?? Make a goal- "I will meditate for 5 minutes a day for 30 days." Make it attainable and realistic FOR YOU. Choose a style that resonates with you. Start simple. It can be overwhelming and it doesn't have to be. Set a timer. My teacher (Victoria Martinez) says "we enter the subconscious when we turn a timer on." Start with 1-2 minutes. Keep it attainable! Focus on breathing. Think long inhales, in through the nose. Slight hold at the top. Long Exhales (through the mouth or nose. Whichever feels most comfortable for you.) Repeat until timer gently reminds you that you completed your meditation for the day. Tips- repeat to self- “inhale...exhale.” Continue to come back to your breath when your mind starts to wander. Repeat a mantra to self while following your breathing- "I am Safe." "I am." "I am here." "Peace." A mantra can be any simple phrase or sentence that helps to keep you focused. As you progress, maybe you lean into learning traditional mantras. For now, or forever, the simple reminder that "I AM" is perfect, beautiful and sufficient in its simplicity.
Another amazing meditation option is to find short guided meditations that speak to you.
Follow along for more added guided meditations with Studio Elevate!